• 13 May 2024
  • 124
Step ladders - 5 practical tips
Step ladders - 5 practical tips
  • Do not stand on the top 3 steps of a ladder

Single-section UNOMAX ladders, as well as two-section DUOMAX and three-section TRIOMAX ladders, unfolded in the position of an extension ladder, are used with emphasis on a vertical surface (wall, pole, tree, etc.), but they cannot be climbed up to the last step. It is forbidden to climb the top 3 steps, you need them to hold on to. If you dare to climb the top 3 steps, the ladder may lose balance, which will lead to a fall. The working height of the ladder is indicated taking into account the fact that you will not climb the last 3 steps. Think about your own safety when working on stairs.

  • Rule 4:1

This recommendation also applies to ladders: single-section ladders, two-section and three-section ladders extended for working at high heights should be installed near a wall so that the distance from the ladder to the wall is 4 times less than the height. This proportion will be obtained if you install the ladder at the correct angle of 75 degrees. Then the proportion of the “legs of the triangle” will be approximately 4:1. Use this proportion to stabilize the ladder without compromising the height of the rise.

  • 1 stepladder – 1 user

Stepladders can be different - one-sided (when the stairs have steps on only one side) and double-sided, when the stairs have steps on both sections. These 2-sided stepladders do not have a safety bar, they are lower, which simplifies storage, but at the same time allows you to work with both legs resting on both sections. You may have an assistant who does not have a stepladder. And it may seem to him that he can climb onto the stepladder with you, but this is absolutely forbidden. The stepladder is designed for the weight of one person. In addition, the movements of the second person can shake the ladder, and the two of you will fall. The second person will upset the balance. It is better to bring a second ladder or stepladder in advance so that two people can work at height. Remember - one stepladder for one operator!

  • Belt Buckle Rule

Even if you don’t wear a belt, remember the rule that will make working at heights safe: when climbing a ladder or stepladder, always position yourself so that the conditional buckle of your belt is always between the sides of the ladder. This will allow you to maintain balance and work safely at heights.

  • Fully unfold the stepladder

In some cases, it may seem to you that the height of the stepladder is not enough, and a few more centimeters are missing. Don't think about adding a little more height to the stepladder without extending it completely! The stepladder is in a working position that is safe for the operator when it is completely unfolded, i.e. when the stepladder sections are extended to their maximum width. It is this position that ensures the stability of single-sided and double-sided stepladders. Two-section and three-section ladders should also be installed in the position of a double-sided stepladder, with the sections as far apart as possible.

An aluminum stepladder or two- or three-section ladder will be a safe means of access to heights when you adhere to basic safety rules. On our website you may be interested in a wooden or aluminum stepladder, which you can buy with the most inexpensive delivery.

To do this, call or write to us!

We also suggest reading the article from the blog “How a 3-section aluminum ladder unfolds.”

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