• 23 December 2024
Semi-professional and professional stepladders - how to recognize them
Semi-professional and professional stepladders - how to recognize them

Folding stepladders are widely used, there are many different things to do with them at work, at home, and in the country:

  • Repairing electrical wiring,
  • Replacing lighting elements,
  • Picking fruit,
  • Access to upper shelves, etc.

Manufacturers now offer many stepladders made of different materials, different designs and sizes. How to choose the right one? What to look for if you need to buy a stepladder? Of course, everyone needs a durable stepladder; they want to buy it not for a couple of months, but for several years of use. But how can you figure out which stepladder will be durable and which will not?

When choosing a stepladder, you should evaluate not only its appearance, but also find out what load it is designed for and what warranty period the manufacturer provides.

Today, an aluminum stepladder is the most common and in demand, because it has the right combination of price, strength, weight and durability. But how do you know which stepladder to buy for a certain type of activity?

Which stepladder to choose for work?

A professional stepladder is suitable for intensive use in production, in a repair shop or in any other specialization. How to recognize a professional stepladder? If the ladder is a professional stepladder, it is characterized by the following parameters:

  • Maximum load from 150 kg;
  • Large aluminum profile;
  • Manufacturer's warranty period from 5 years.

Professional stepladders must have anti-slip support tips and end caps on the steps.

Semi-professional stepladders

A semi-professional stepladder can withstand a load of about 120-150 kg. As a rule, such models are made of an aluminum profile of at least 8.2x2 cm in cross-section. Stepladders of this class are designed for frequent household or infrequent professional use.

Household stepladders

Specially designed for household use, when they are not often needed, and for a long period of time stand folded in a corner. Household stepladders are characterized by:

  • Lightness,
  • Small profile up to 7.15x2 cm;
  • Load limit of about 100 kg.

On our website you will find semi-professional class aluminum stepladders. But each Virastar stepladder has a certificate of compliance with DSTU standards. Consider the weight of the tools, equipment and materials that you lift with you on the stepladder.

We wish you successful shopping and successful use of the stepladder!

You can also read the blog "One ladder for the whole year?"

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