• 7 July 2023
  • 532
Working on scaffolding during the summer heat
Working on scaffolding during the summer heat

The hot summer is hard for many people to endure. People can feel comfortable in air-conditioned rooms, but what about builders who have to work all day on scaffolding in the heat, under the scorching sun?

Risk of heat stroke while working on scaffolds

Of course, no matter what time of year it is, you should always be careful when working on scaffolding. And although in summer there is no risk of encountering slippery surfaces or strong winds, you should always be aware of the dangers that the hot season brings.

Overheating, dehydration, or simply sweaty hands are potential risks to avoid when working on scaffolds.

Protect yourself from the sun when working on scaffolding

Scaffolding builders spend most of the day outside. In summer, this means constant exposure to heat and UV radiation. If the sun heats your head unhindered for several hours on a particularly hot day, you can quickly get sunstroke or heatstroke. And this should never be allowed.

  • One thing that makes sense but is often forgotten is to always wear a hat in the summer. If a helmet is not required, you can protect yourself from sunstroke by wearing a cap with a visor. The choice of helmets in the summer can also be given attention. In order not to put yourself at risk of overheating, you can upgrade to a more breathable option with ventilation and a peak, unless otherwise indicated.
  • We know it's annoying, but use sunscreen! Preferably at least SPF 30 and reapply several times a day to maintain sun protection. Sunburns are extremely unpleasant and can have negative consequences for the body.
  • Take breaks more often
  • Scaffolding requires a lot of physical strength. Hand work, which is easier to do at cooler temperatures, can contribute to dehydration or heat stroke, especially in midsummer. In general, take more breaks and look for shade as often as possible. And of course, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Mineral water is especially recommended here, as it supplies the body with minerals that it loses with sweat.

If, despite all these precautions, you suddenly feel unwell, find a cool and shady place and report this to the foreman or foreman of the site. Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • fatigue,
  • muscle spasms.

Wear work gloves on scaffolding

Even if it's tempting to remove your work gloves in hot weather, not wearing them is an additional risk. If your hands are wet, a tool or piece of scaffolding can easily slip out of your hands and, in the worst case, injure you or a colleague. Of course, you don't have to wear your thick winter gloves. There are various types of breathable anti-slip gloves on the market that are suitable for summer temperatures.

Safety on scaffolding should always come first. Read our blog about why you should choose quality-certified scaffolding.

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