How did construction scaffold appear?
28 January 2025
Let's immediately turn to the State Construction Norms DBN A.3.2-2-2009 "Labor Protection and Industrial Safety in Construction. Basic Provisions": "During construction and installation works, the maximum values of air temperature and wind force in a given climate zone, at which outdoor work should be temporarily suspended and transportation of people in unheated vehicles should be stopped, are determined by the relevant services of local authorities (state administration). Work shall not be performed during fog and rain, which significantly impairs visibility within the work front, ice, thunderstorms, winds of 15 m/s and more."
Snowfall, ice and sub-zero temperatures make it impossible to carry out many construction works outdoors. For this reason, activity on construction sites decreases in winter, and some of the work is focused on interior decoration. However, sometimes the work continues and deteriorating weather conditions do not affect the quality of the work.
The above health and safety regulations specify the weather conditions under which scaffolding can be safely used on construction sites. However, they do not specify a specific time of year when scaffolding can and cannot be used. Therefore, work on scaffolding in the winter season is allowed, but under clearly defined conditions and in compliance with the relevant rules. It is important to ensure the safety of not only the people who directly use the structure, but also everyone in the vicinity.
Work on scaffolding in winter should only be carried out when it is not raining or snowing. Good visibility is also a prerequisite for the safe use of scaffolding. Therefore, it is prohibited to use the structure during heavy fog. Work at height should not be performed in strong winds. If the wind speed exceeds 10 - 15 m/s, the structure should not be installed. However, sub-zero temperatures are not a contraindication. But employees must remember to wear appropriate work clothes and properly prepare the structure and the scaffolding site. Here are the basic rules:
to ensure a stable distance between structures, it is necessary to remove ice and snow from the ground.
It is best to protect the ground with a layer of sand,
the elements of the structure itself must also be cleaned of snow and ice,
the technical condition of scaffolding should be checked more often than in summer.
So, working on scaffolding in winter is not prohibited, but safety rules must be followed. The additional use of protective tarpaulins made of canvas or polyethylene will help create a comfortable temperature regime on the working tiers of the scaffolding and protect workers from gusts of wind.
If you have any questions about which scaffolding to buy for winter work, don't hesitate to call us and we will offer you the best option!
Also read our blog "Scaffolding in winter: what to do".