• 7 December 2023
  • 340
Do I need a stepladder if I live in an apartment?
Do I need a stepladder if I live in an apartment?

People living in apartments don't really need a retractable ladder at home - they won't have to clean gutters or windows outside, so there's no point in buying a long ladder for a small apartment where there's no room to store it. However, everyone needs a stepladder, regardless of whether he lives in an apartment or a three-story cottage. 

Stepladders are essential: 

  • in the home for accessing closet top shelves, 
  • for changing light bulbs, 
  • for removing or hanging curtains, 
  • for general cleaning or renovations.

And they are much safer than using a chair or even a table as a means of height access.

Stepladders are small, easy to store, and can even be hung on a door hook to make the most of a small space. In a pinch, a couple of stepladders can be used as extra chairs when you have a lot of guests. And if you need a ladder for infrequent work, you can turn it into an interior item, for example, a plant stand or a small bookcase. You can even place a stepladder in the corner to display knick-knacks.

What aluminum stepladders can you buy from the Ukrainian manufacturer VIRASTAR? You can choose from a single-sided aluminum stepladder NOVA or a double-sided aluminum stepladder GORA.

Durable aluminum NOVA stepladders have deep steps for easy and comfortable use, as well as a high safety bar. When closed, their thickness is very small, which allows them to be placed between cabinets or next to household appliances. You can even store them behind the door or hang them on a hook to keep them out of the way. They are economical, everyone can afford them, and these stepladders will become indispensable equipment for unexpected or, on the contrary, planned work around the house. If you decide to buy an aluminum stepladder now, you can easily hang your Christmas decorations.

As an alternative, there is a double-sided aluminum stepladder VIRASTAR GORA, which is more compact because it does not have a roll bar, but is also capable of providing significant working height. For example, the working height of a 2x8 stepladder is 3.45 m. Models with two-way access are available with a number of steps from 2x2 to 2x8, each of the stairs has deep steps for comfortable use for a long time.

These stepladders come with a manufacturer's warranty, which means you can buy with confidence, knowing that VIRASTAR stepladders will serve you well for many tasks around the house and outside the home.

So, you and I have come to the conclusion that most apartment residents do not need a multi-sectional staircase for everyday use, but a stepladder should be in every home. But, of course, there are situations when two- or three-section stairs are also used in apartments. About 3-section stairs, we recommend reading the article “Three-section ladders: purpose and use.

We wish you successful shopping!

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